The Forge

Combined Data Center and district heating plant adjacent within the secure compound.

Dataceter with heat recovery to district heating system

T.Loop, working closely with a district heating company, have developed a design for a colocation data center integrated into the existing building and infrastructure solution or at a location adjacent to the District Heating plant within the secure compound. The estimated construction time is 12 months.

• Carbon negative with up to 100% heat reuse.

• Low Energy consumption.


The development of this site is being conducted in close cooperation with the municipal power company and the municipality. One of the prerequisites for the site is that it must meet our strict criteria regarding security, as well as the availability of electricity, the possibility for 100% waste heat recovery, and excellent connectivity in the form of dark fibre.


Carbon negative with up to 100% heat reuse


Construction Time:
12 months

1.500 m²

Data Center Area
3 x 500 m²

Technical Specifications

Recommended IT Load: High density  (HPC, AI, HFT)

Grid Availability: up to 10 MW with initial 5 MW high density in phase 1.

PUE: 1.1

Classification: Tier 3 design


Ture “Duke” Aschan

for more information about our Data Energy Centers©

Phone: +46 70 7506591
Duke on LinkedIn


The site prospects are within a maximum of 30 minutes by public transportation, with goodaccessibility.

Emergency Support Proximity:

• Rescue Department (Fire Station): 10-15 minutes, accessible via multiple routes.

• Police Station: 10-15 minutes, with several route options.

• Nearest Train Station: A 10-15 car ride.

• International Airport (Arlanda): 2 h 25 min car ride

Strategic Advantages:

• The Middle Sweden area (SMA) hosts a strong range of high-tech industry with a well-educated, experienced workforceis readily available and can easily reach the site by car.


Data Energy Centers®

World class Connectivity

Sweden has one of the best connectivity standards globally, driven by government strategy ensuring national fiber penetration.

Arelion’s global internet backbone (formerly Telia Carrier) is ranked the #1 backbone by Kentik for several years and is renowned for outstanding customer care.

Sweden’s national broadband plan outlines the vision for nationwide access to high-speed broadband in 2025.

Sustainability in core

T.Loop is one of the world’s most sustainable colocation operators. The unique combination of energy and data center expertise has created a data center concept with full heat recovery.

Key factors include:

Sweden’s Green Energy Mix: Low-carbon footprint

Cold and Stable Climate: Ideal for energy-efficient cooling

Full Heat Recovery: Efficient heat reuse from the data center

Minimal Fossil Fuel Use: Reduced reliance on fossil fuels for backup capacity

Optimized Installation: Streamlined and efficient setup

Liquid Cooling: Advanced immersion or DTC technology

Strategic Locations: Data centers situated in or near existing buildings for optimal heat recovery

T.Loop offers data center capacity with some of the lowest carbon emissions worldwide.

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